Saudi Arabia foiled the attack by Houthi rebels

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia thwarted a drone attack by Yemeni rebels on the base. According to a foreign news agency, Saudi Arabia has claimed that the drone attack of the Houthi rebels in Yemen has been thwarted. In this regard, the Saudi Air Defense said that Houthi rebels in western Saudi Arabia tried to launch a drone attack against Aba Airport and a drone was chased and destroyed. The Houthis confirmed the attack on the airport on Saturday. A military spokesman for the rebel group said on Twitter that the air force had struck a key target at Abba International Airport and had successfully hit targets. A separate insurgent attack recently targeted Abba Airport, setting a passenger plane on fire in a drone strike. The Houthis said the attack on the base, which was carried out by coalition forces carrying out airstrikes in Yemen, was justified. The airport is believed to be just 100 kilometers from the Yemeni border. Saudi Arabia and its allies Says Houthi attacks on airport amount to ‘war crimes’

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