Kashmir conundrum be sorted out in line with UNSC resolutions: China

China Kashmir

China Kashmir

Chine while raising Kashmir issue in UN General Assembly (UNGA) has urged Kashmir problem should be resolved as per UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said while UNGA session here Kashmir issue is old outstanding issue of history and it should be addressed peacefully in accordance with UNSC resolutions and bilateral accords.

He said China opposes all unilateral steps complicating the situation. His country wants stability in the region, he added.

Earlier Turkish president Rajab Tayyab Erdogan while referring to Kashmir problem during his address to UNGA session had also said as many as 8 million people are still not being allowed to come out of their homes. There is need to resolve this problem through dialogue on the basis of justice and truth rather than skirmishes or war for the sake of security of Kashmiris, Indians and Pakistanis.

Turkish president said on one side a lucky minority in the world is continuing debate on robots and on the other side over one billion people are spending life below poverty line in the world unfortunately.

He announced in categorical terms that the bid to allow a part of world to spend a luxury life and to push other part of world to poverty is not acceptable.

The world future can not be limited to veto of five countries in the world. Now the time has come that we should change our minds and rules, he stressed.

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