Imran Khan should go home: Asif Ali Zardari
Former president Asif Ali Zardari has said Imran Khan should step down and go home.
“ If Imran Khan accepts my advice then he should resign and go home”, he said this in an informal chat with the journalists in court room on Friday.
Zardari held that Imran Khan had earlier said he would shoot him but he would not step in politics. Later he said that he would commit suicide but he would not resort to IMF. Now how Imran Khan has said this that Pakistan has gone stable. Has the salary of people been increased. During my era the salaries of all were increased.
Former president remarked if Imran Khan does not want to constitute commission since 1947 then he should at least form commission since the last 20 years. He should at least start it from Musharraf regime.
Responding to a question he said the approval of budget depends on Akhtar Mengal that he goes to what side.