Senator meets under Senator Javed Abbasi



Senator Attique Sheikh said he is laborer son of a laborer father. I was elected Senator by paying only 2020 rupees. It is tradition here that the poor is becoming the poorest and the rich richest. When I became chairman health committee I tried to lay hand on the big people and their companies then I was removed from the committee forthwith.

I appeal to the government that digitalization will have to be done to save the country, he stated. Ban has been imposed on Pakistan under a conspiracy, he added. Who says this currency is unlawful. If it is not haram in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran then why it is unlawful here.

I say on oath that the prices of 5000 medicines can be decreased, he claimed.
Senator Gen (Retd) Trimizi said that what the problems were being faced by the country six years before still they stand. I questioned about earth quake but the reply has not been given to me even after passage of six years. The children in KP still attain education while sitting under trees.

Senator Gayyan Chand said NFC Award is not being implemented since the last ten years.

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