Pakistan, Turkey , Malaysia meet to review reforms agenda to make OIC more vibrant, dynamic

Pak turkey

Pak turkey

A tri lateral talks of Pakistan, Turkey and Malaysia took place on the sidelines of the ongoing meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Jeddah on Thursday.

Foreign Minister (FM) Shah Mehmood Qureshi represented Pakistan while Turkey and Malaysia were represented by their respective foreign ministers.

The talks were aimed at reviewing OIC Reforms agenda and presenting one’s own stance on further re-activating OIC.

The trilateral meeting was held at the request of Turkey

Pakistan is fully alive to reservations of Turkey and other regional members with reference to OIC reforms and values their view point.

Qureshi said Pakistan view point is very clear on this count. OIC is the second largest organization after UN. We want OIC is recognized and acknowledged as active, dynamic and law enforcement organization in the world.

He held that Pakistan is supportive of real reforms in OIC with the passage of time which should be introduced keeping in view firm principles, transparency and merit. “We fully assure OIC secretary general of our support.

He stressed that monitoring system should be activated in OIC so that no member could deviate from set rules and regulations. OIC should come forward as true representative organization for sorting out problems facing Muslim Ummah.

Turkey and Malaysia appreciated Pakistan view point and they agreed to continue consultation process in this resepect.

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