Media 4th pillar of state, says Speakers

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Directorate of Protocol and Public Relations of the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) hosted a dinner for Federal Education Reporters’ Association (FERA) and other senior journalists from the print and electronic media here at IRD guest house of the university.

The dinner was joined by IIUI President Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh, Renowned journalists and anchor-persons, including Faisal Abbasi, Fawad Khurshid, President FERA Zafar Sipra, In-charge PR IIUI Nasir Farid and others.

Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweeshwelcomed the journalists and addressed them on the topic of “ journalism and education”. He said that media is the 4th pillar of state and academic advancement is not possible without its due role. He also shared university objectives, vision and future goals, while he also responded to the questions of the participating journalists.

President FERA Zafar Sipra thanked IIUI President for hospitality and hailed his openness to answer all the questions. He also shed light on academic landscape of academic institution in the capital.

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